Lydiafaith Music Studio Policy
To help the Studio run smoothly in the years of 2020 - 2021, please read the following studio policies carefully.
1. Piano: Students are required to have a well tuned acoustic piano or a digital piano/keyboard with 88 weighted , touch-sensitive keys and a pedal to practice and make progress. An acoustic piano should be tuned twice a year. Keyboards are acceptable for the first few years of learning piano.
2. Practice: Everyone learns by doing. For this reason, students must aim to practice for at least 5 days a week. Parental involvement in home practice is crucial for student's success. The 24 hours after the lesson are the most crucial. All students must review what they have learned at the lesson while practicing at home in 24 hours after the lesson.
3. Lesson Fee: Lesson fee is due on the first lesson of each month by cash, E-transfer or by post-dated cheques for the term (dated the first lesson of each month, September to December, January to April, and May to August). It is student’s responsibility to pay the lesson fee on time.
4. Missed Lesson: There are no refunds/credits for missed lessons at any situation except in the case of the absence of the instructor.
If the instructor need to miss the lesson, a makeup lesson will be provided at a convenient time for both student and the instructor. If a make up lesson does not work for both of the teacher and the student due to their busy schedules, credit will be given to the student.
Group lesson can not be refunded or rescheduled.
5. Make Up Lessons:
To be eligible for makeup lessons, students are required to give 24 hour notice in advance to the studio (except for the case of sudden illness, an emergency, or adverse weather condition.
Make-up lessons will be provided by adding time to existing lessons over a period of a few weeks or by re-arranging lesson time with the instructor within 2 weeks.
If a student misses makeup lesson, the lesson is forfeited.
There will be no makeup lessons for no shows or last minute cancellation.
Students are limited to a maximum of two makeup lessons during the term. (Sep-Dec, Jan-Apr, May-Aug)
​6. Punctuality: students are expected to be on time for their lessons. The instructor will not afford extension of lesson time to those who are late more than five minutes for their lessons.
7. Materials: The teacher generally purchases books and assisted materials required by the student. It will save the student's sales tax, some time, and ensure the correct materials are purchased. Students are required to repay the teacher for the purchased materials at their earliest convenience.
8. Recitals: There are at least 2 recitals a year. The dates will be e-mailed to the parents and announced on the studio web site. Every student must attend the recitals and prepare at least one piece for the recitals. Recitals are very important for every developing musician because it gives them a chance to perform and watch others play which is vital for their growth as musicians. It also gives them a goal to work towards and a feeling of accomplishment.
9. Photo and Video Release Form: The studio sometimes post short video clips or still pictures of students on the studio web site and/or on Facebook Studio page.
10. Withdrawal:
2 weeks advance written notice is required to withdraw from lessons. Students must complete a withdrawal form and submit it to the studio.
The studio has the right to withdraw students who continuously show lack of interest and refusal to practice, disrespectful attitude or behavior towards the instructor.
For post-dated cheque payments, all cheques that have not been cashed will be returned.
Please sign below and return this form to the studio indicating that you have read and agreed with Lydiafatih Music Studio Policies.
Lydia Yang, B.Mus, ARCT, RMT, RCM Certified Teacher
Lydiafaith Music Studio
Date: ______________________ Student Name: _____________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________
©2024-2025 by Lydiafaith Music Studio